Friday, February 12, 2021
Monday, March 16, 2020
Download Quick Silver FS Fonts Family From Fontastica

Quick Silver FS is unique, fresh and cute handwritten font for branding / logo design / logotypes / greeting cards / promotional graphics and anything in between. Quick Silver FS is inspired from modern era cartoon titles and completely handmade with passion and perfection.
Extended Character Sets
Along with the basic Latin character set, we have added Western European, Central European, South Eastern European character sets for your convenience.
Advanced Kerning
We have performed advanced, in-depth kerning for all possible letter combinations.
What You Get
This font being a handmade typeface, comes with only single weight (Regular).
CREDITS: Font designed by Lis at Fontastica, produced by Fontastica, distributed by Designova. Created with ProCreate and Fontself on iPad Pro.